Lama School

The LAMA school of animation and education in children and youth leisure time was created by FacNhorte in 1992 and receives its name from the acronym of an excellent companion of many camps and a great book lover: Luís Ángel Martín Antolín.

It is recognized in the Principality of Asturias with the order number 5 of the registered schools and in 1993 it organized its first course for monitors of free time.

Since then, it organizes an annual course for monitors and every two years a course for directors of free time, with more than 450 young people already graduated from the LAMA School.

The courses of our school seek to train monitors and directors for all types of leisure time activities, although over time we have specialized in camp dynamics.

The profile of the participant in our courses is that of a boy or girl over 18 years old, who has lived an average of 3 years in FAC Nhorte camps and who is motivated by the interest of becoming a monitor in these same camps.

It should also be noted that 90% of the participants have previously completed the Camp Animators Course that LAMA and Nhorte organize every summer and that serves as an introductory step into the world of summer, children and youth animation.

The Monitor course consists of a theoretical-practical phase of 150 hours and it is a requirement for enrollment to be 17 years old at the beginning of it. Once this phase is completed, there will be a 10-day internship to be carried out during the following 12 months in leisure activities. The Director’s Course has 200 hours of theoretical-practical and 15 days of practices and it is required to be 18 years old and to have a degree of Free Time Monitor or enough experience, homologated by the Principality of Asturias.

They are professors of the Permanent Cloister of the school:

  • Ignacio Zarandona Fernández
  • Julio del Val de Arana
  • José Luís Mellado Santamaría
  • José Mª Manzano Villazán
  • Javier Iglesias Pérez
  • Andrés Mellado Santamaría
  • Santiago Fernández Martínez
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